July, 2022 Board Minutes

Present: Marinkovich, Pickett, Kaku, Barkley, Clauson, Black, Shiver, Kirpekar

Absent: Zimmer

  1. Approval of the June 2022 meeting minutes.

  2. Sarang will follow up on the audit.

  3. Heath needs a copy of minutes for April- June to upload onto the new site.

  4. Finance Report:

    1. Marinkovich reviewed June and YTD results.

    2. Processing fees to be about $4600. This may be more than budgeted.

    3. 354 members. Participation in away events has been down. OK with growing memberships beyond 350.

    4. $1278.06 bank balance projected.

  5. Budget for 2023?

    1. $110 for membership; $105 Seniors; keep Junior Exec fees the same.

    2. Ideas for the extra revenue: Increase payment for NCGA qualifiers and Director's Cup. Match play, final 8? Lunch for visiting match play teams?

    3. Motion to set fees for 2023 - Marinkovich, 2nd Pickett, approved.

  6. Tournament Report:

    1. Pickett provided update on Match Play Championships.

    2. Tees for last rounds would be the blue/white combo.

    3. Clauson, Saturday match play going well. Thursday match team is 2 and 2.

    4. Create own league v. NCGA assign match play teams.

    5. 2023 tournament planning begins this time of year. Send suggestions to the Board. Pickett to send survey for 2023 away courses.

  7. Handicap Report - Kaku has changed some scores, etc.

  8. Membership - 354 members. 25 without handicap. Cell phone number should be updated on Member Planet. Shiver to send reminder.

  9. Zelle will be changed from Ed to Doug.

  10. No further business the meeting was adjourned.


August, 2022 Board Minutes


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